Weekend Update

April 7, 2010 § 1 Comment

I’m pleased to report that the 41st Annual Magic Collectors Weekend is filling up nicely.  We are 75% of the way there, with only 45 spaces left to go before declaring the event a sell-out. So, if you or your friends are considering joining us, now is the time to confirm your registration.

I’ve already told you about the program on Thursday, May 13th. Here’s a complete description of what’s in store for Friday, May 14th.

We’ll start the morning off with a presentation by Joe Culpepper about The Sphinx, the illusion rather than the magazine. We will then take you on a guided tour of some of the highlights housed in the Magic Circle Collection. Will Houstoun will then join us for a discussion about Professor Robert Hellis, the subject of Will’s recent book Hellis in Wonderland. There will also be plenty of opportunity to ask each presenter questions as part of their program.

We will then break for a business-style lunch just outside the theatre and then make another round of the Dealers’ Room before returning for the afternoon program.

Walter Zaney Blaney

Walter "Zaney" Blaney

We’re thrilled to announce that the lead off presenter that afternoon will be none other than Walter Zaney Blaney. Walter is going to discuss – and perform – his famous Ladder Levitation. Many regard the Blaney Ladder Levitation – and his hoop – as one of the great innovations in illusion design of the past half-century. As Walter is now retired, this may be your last chance to see the illusion performed by the man who invented it.

Jason England is then scheduled with the unenviable task of following Walter. As mentioned in a previous post, Jason will be discussing gambling-related collectibles that he believes should also be of interest to magicians.

Daniel Zuckerbrot will then follow Jason. Daniel is one of the most prolific documentary filmmakers working today. We are fortunate not only that he has made great films about magicians – Martin Gardner, Dai Vernon, Stewart James, Jeff McBride and several others – but that he will also be with us in Chicago to discuss his approach, and share his insights into the past, present and future of documenting magic. His presentation will include clips from various films, and afterwards, the special screening of some rarely seen footage.

We will then have the opportunity to visit the Dealers’ Room before breaking for dinner.

After dinner, as mentioned in an earlier post, you have the option to visit downtown Chicago, preview the Marshall auction at Potter & Potter, stay at the hotel for a performance by Jason England, or join us in the bar area and watch a local wizard – Tomas Medina – weave his magic.

All in all, it will be a full day.

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